When negotiations hit an impasse, litigation may become a potential reality for the parties involved in a dispute. Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) offers another method to resolve a dispute without a lengthy, costly and uncertain outcome in court and has become increasingly popular in recent years. Adrienne is an experienced neutral, having served as both a mediator and arbitrator in commercial ADR cases. When cases are complex and involve the nuances of intellectual property law, entertainment, commercial contracts, etc., a neutral with extensive knowledge of the range of issues and business relationships involved is important in resolving a dispute or coming to a sound decision.

Mediation is a confidential and voluntary proceeding during which the neutral third party facilitates an understanding between the parties. The mediator does not have decision-making authority but rather draws on knowledge of the subject area and understanding of the details explained by the parties to discuss the issues. When successful, the parties to a dispute will find a mutually agreeable resolution without the formalities of litigation. Mediation offers a private, flexible and confidential process of dispute resolution that often preserves relationships.

Arbitration is an expedited out-of-court process used to resolve disputes between parties to a contract. The third-party neutral (or panel of arbitrators) has decision-making authority and arbitration awards are generally binding. This quasi-judicial process involves careful management of the proceedings undertaken by the arbitrator and it may involve the testimony of witnesses, admission of evidence, hearings, etc. Arbitration may offer a significantly faster and less costly alternative to litigation when attempts at negotiation and mediation fail.

Adrienne serves as an arbitrator or mediator in cases involving the arts, entertainment and a range of commercial disputes and will consider requests to work on your case.

-Commercial Arbitration Panel Member: American Arbitration Association (AAA)
-Consumer Arbitration Panel Member: American Arbitration Association (AAA)
-Higginbotham Fellow, American Arbitration Association (AAA)
-Harvard Law School Program on Negotiation, Mediating Disputes, Certification of Completion
-NYSBA Advanced Commercial Mediation Training, Part 146 Certificate of Completion
-NYSBA Commercial Mediation Training, Part 146 Certificate of Completion
-Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts (VLA) MediateArt: Mediation & Negotiation Training Program
-World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) ADR Workshop, New York


Auguste Rodin,
The Thinker
(Le Penseur), 1904,
Metropolitan Museum

Noriko Ambe “Wave 1” (detail) 2012

Noriko Ambe,
“Wave 1” (detail)
© 2012 Noriko Ambe /
Cut on paper,
3 1/4 x 27 x 56 inches


Auguste Rodin,
The Thinker
(Le Penseur), 1904,
Metropolitan Museum

Noriko Ambe “Wave 1” (detail) 2012

Noriko Ambe
“Wave 1” (detail) © 2012 Noriko Ambe / ARS, NY
Cut on paper, 3 1/4 x 27 x 56 inches
Photo by David Broda

Fields Law


The Law Office of Adrienne R. Fields

+1 (917) 767-0449

NEW YORK, NY 10036-7424